Os 100 maiores Rocksteady tunes de todos os tempos (40 – 11)


Para você, quais são os cem melhores tunes de rocksteady de todos os tempos? Mostramos anteriormente (AQUI e AQUI) sessenta tunes indispensáveis para os amantes do ritmo mais apaixonado da Jamaica, e agora trazemos mais trinta dessas canções, em ordem crescente. (extraído de www.dancecrasher.co.uk)

Come on and ROCK STEADY!

40 – Stop That Train – Keith and Tex

39 – It Comes And Goes – The Melodians

38 – A Change Is Gonna Come – Ken Parker

37 – My Conversation – The Uniques

36 – Do It Sweet – Ethiopians

35 – Travelling Man – The Techniques

34 – Over And Over Again – Stranger And Gladdy

33 – Foo Manchu – Desmond Dekker

32 – Funeral – Bob Marley & The Wailing Wailers

31 – Rock Steady – Alton Ellis

30 – My Number One – The Paragons

29 – Chatty Chatty AKA Glendevon Special – Junior Soul

28 – Afred Hitchcock – Bobby Ellis And The Crystalites

27 – Cantelope Rock – Jo Jo Bennett And The Fugitives

26 – Message Of Old – Joe Higgs & Ken Boothe

25 – Sounds And Pressure – Hopeton Lewis

24 – It’s Hard To Confess – The Gaylads

23 – Do I Worry – Derrick Harriott

22 – Big Mistake – The Basses

21 – Little Things – Hemsley Morris

20 – Wailers – Bus Dem Shut

19 – The Minstrels – So Weary

18 – The Melodians – Swing And Dine

17 – The Soul Vendors – Swing Easy

16 – Val Bennett – The Russians Are Coming

15 – Slim Smith And The Freedom Singers – Hip Hug

14 – Ken Boothe – Say You

13 – The Paragons – My Best Girl

12 – Keith And Tex – Tonight

11 – The Uniques – Beatitude

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCVYKng0ST0&w=420&h=315]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJbHMJZpy1U&w=420&h=315]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v2c3JsJE6U&w=420&h=315]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v33d5cQgcrU&w=420&h=315]

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjVMXFLwqrE&w=420&h=315]

(por Dani Pimenta)

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